Colorful, Bright & Animated 7 Segment display boards + accompanying Arduino library
Sold By RyanBates
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What is it? A reworked layout of Unexpected Maker's 7SegNeo Display project. Chain modules together to make a large 7-segment display! Control via any micro-controller just like you would control a …
Read More…A reworked layout of Unexpected Maker's 7SegNeo Display project. Chain modules together to make a large 7-segment display! Control via any micro-controller just like you would control a strip of RGB LEDs. They just require VCC (5V), GND and Data from a GPIO. The Neo7Segment Arduino library requires the Adafruit Neopixel library to be installed and the LEDs on the boards are WS2812B and SK6812 packages.
Change list: bumped-up passives footprint to 1206, finessed trace/ copper pour layout; slightly larger PCB area, larger mounting holes, decimal place pixel same footprint as all other pixels.
The library also includes the ability to set each Neo7Segment digit individually, as well as sending a byte to a digit to set each segment individually, to display anything you like!
Each 7-seg display measures 48mm x 76mm (190 x 300 mil), mounting hole diameter is 3.60mm (140mil). Early batches have a mix of white or black surface colors LEDs (does not affect performance, just looks odd).
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Pittsburgh, PA, United States of America
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