This is a mini breakout board for WS2812B RGB LED.
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Introduction This is a mini breakout board for WS2812B RGB LED. The WS2812B is an 5050 RGB LED integrated with intelligent control chip, including digital port data latch and signal reshaping ampl…
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This is a mini breakout board for WS2812B RGB LED. The WS2812B is an 5050 RGB LED integrated with intelligent control chip, including digital port data latch and signal reshaping amplification drive circuit. It can achieve up to1024 points of cascading (refresh rate at 30fps), every pixel is individual addressable and has 256 kinds of brightness display and 1677212 kinds of color variance.
The breakout is designed to be a LED brick. It is the shape of an equilateral triangle, of which, one side for signal input, and the other two are for optional signal output. By various combinations, they can be spliced to be a LED panel or even a LED cube.
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