wESP32 with various issues preventing me from selling them at full price
Designed by Silicognition LLC in United States of AmericaThis seller is taking a break until Dec. 25, 2024. Sign up below to get an email when they're back!
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These are wESP32 boards that have various issues that made me set them aside as units I couldn't sell at full price. They have all been tested and are fully functional, the issues are cosmetic in na…
Read More…These are wESP32 boards that have various issues that made me set them aside as units I couldn't sell at full price. They have all been tested and are fully functional, the issues are cosmetic in nature. So this is your chance to pick up a bargain if you're fine with something that doesn't look perfect or that you intend to hack up anyway. :)
They are rev 7 boards with RTL8201, returned from Amazon. Reprogrammed and retested, and passed, but sold as is since I don't have info about why they were returned. Explanation of the issues listed in the "Condition" option:
NOTE: Unless noted, these do not come with a wESP32-Prog, you either need to have your own ESP32 programmer or buy that separately.
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Christopher | March 30, 2020
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Longmont, CO, United States of America
Ships from United States of America.
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