From low frequencies to noise and drones
Designed by Sismo Synths in PortugalNo shipping info available.
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Qadrox Trace has a unique sound, the oscillator combined with LFO’s generate a wide variety of warm and rich sounds from low frequencies to noise and drones. PLEASE BE AWARE. THIS IS LAST UNIT PIECE …
Read More…Qadrox Trace has a unique sound, the oscillator combined with LFO’s generate a wide variety of warm and rich sounds from low frequencies to noise and drones.
Qadrox Trace maintains the familiar character of Qadrox Classic with an eight-step sequencer enhanced with a new LFO’s based on a simple waveforms. Intensity, wave control and external cv are used to add flexible routing and you can mixed it up.
For more control on effects, Qadrox Trace include a sync connection, used as gate or external cv, and on the front panel a cv in - out.
Specifications Polyphony: monophonic Power source: USB (not include) Dimensions: 11cm (H) x 13cm (D) x 13cm (W)
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International We ship orders worldwide by CTT Correios de Portugal. Once a shipment is released, you will receive an email with a tracking number. The shipping will take 3 days to Europe / 5 business days worldwide Expect delays on US international shipping. All orders are shipped from Oporto, Portugal.
Duties and taxes: Additional duties and taxes depending on country and these are the buyer’s responsibility.
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