A USB to I2C/SPI/UART/GPIO/PWM/ADC adapter cable based on Teensy3.2
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The MGTNSY1 cable is designed to allow simple connection of a PC/Development board to external electronic devices using common bus types. The cable is based on Teensy3.2 which makes it an open platfo…
Read More…The MGTNSY1 cable is designed to allow simple connection of a PC/Development board to external electronic devices using common bus types. The cable is based on Teensy3.2 which makes it an open platform for creating your own cables.
The idea came to me when I had to create an adapter between Odroid-C2 android board and a I2C touchscreen, all the solutions I found had to be either done by hand or mass-ordered. So I created a semi-consumer product that can easily fit into existing products.
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