An internal OPL3 sound card for PCXT-based and compatible clones
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What is it? It is an internal sound card with the OPL3 chip (Sound Blaster 16 FM compatible). The schematic is based on texelec board Resound Resound v1.1 Why did you make it? Because texelec decided…
Read More…It is an internal sound card with the OPL3 chip (Sound Blaster 16 FM compatible). The schematic is based on texelec board Resound Resound v1.1
Because texelec decided to publicly share the schematics of its Resound OPL3 sound card, I decided to make a version compatible with cases that contain HDAudio connector and microphone and speaker jacks on its front.
I have a Monotech NuXT board based on Sergey's Micro8088 integrated into such a casing, so I decided to cover this need by adapting the scheme, and by the way, manage different I/O ports through the use of a SPLD, more information about the whole process here.
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Thierry | Feb. 7, 2021
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