A Cardano logo epoch clock programmable using Arduino IDE
Designed by Sparkle in Canada
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What is it? Carduino is a Cardano epoch clock in the form of the Cardano logo. But it is not only that. It is programmable with Arduino IDE to make the dots in the logo do anything you want! Visit …
Read More…Carduino is a Cardano epoch clock in the form of the Cardano logo. But it is not only that. It is programmable with Arduino IDE to make the dots in the logo do anything you want! Visit https://carduino.co/ for more details.
Get it without the optional stand if you intend to embed it into your own case or add the elegant black enclosure to make it an fully functional desktop Cardano epoch clock.
It is powered by a micro usb cable. Use your own if you have one, or add one in the options.
I made it as a contribution to the Cardano Community. The design and Arduino code are open source. People can buy the components and make their own or buy one already assembled here.
Cardano has its own time keeping called epochs. An Epoch last 5 days. Up until now, there was no physical clock to display Cardano time. By being user programmable with the add on option, people can make it do other interesting things such as display special patterns to indicate different times within an epoch like when delegation rewards are available or leadership schedule is available for SPOs. It can also simply be used to display eye catching patterns of lights like in the teaser video and act as a conversation starter for people who love to talk about their favorite blockchain.
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Shipping Rate | Tracked | Ships From | First Item | Additional Items |
Quantity | Price |
1-9 | $17.00 |
10-99 | $15.00 |
100+ | $13.00 |
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