The CororPod converts a reprap style filament 3d printer to a full color powder printer.
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The ColorPod is a novel device that extents a regular 3D printer with the capability of printing full color 3D models. The unit prints full color 3D objects by dispensing powder and colored liquid dr…
Read More…The ColorPod is a novel device that extents a regular 3D printer with the capability of printing full color 3D models. The unit prints full color 3D objects by dispensing powder and colored liquid droplets. It creates a model in a heap of powder on the build plate. It can be used with most popular 3D printers.
The ColorPod comes with fully functional PC software supporting both STL and OBJ 3D model files. For larger models, the software creates a support wall around the actual model. Aad van der Geest invented this process back in 1992. The ColorPod makes this technology available for owners of popular filament (FDM) based 3D printers.
The listed product is a printed circuit board. Most other parts can be printed with a regular FDM 3D printer. The unit works with widely available inkjet cartridges from Hewlett Packard. Build instructions and link to stl files are on
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Yingsen | Oct. 10, 2018
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