A piezoelectric device that generates electricity when it is tapped. Learn how to generate, store, and use this electricity.
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Subsystems...diving deep into learning!
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What is it? Piezoelectric devices generate energy when they are tapped. This energy can be used, or stored for later use. This mini kit allows you to experiment with this process. Does tapping with …
Read More…Piezoelectric devices generate energy when they are tapped. This energy can be used, or stored for later use. This mini kit allows you to experiment with this process.
Does tapping with different materials make a difference? The kit comes with a built in LED to watch it flash as you tap and give you an idea of the intensity of your tapping. This device will generate the most electricity when tapped gently on the outer edge of the disk spaced about 180 degrees apart.
The kit comes with 3 different values of capacitors to experiment with how the different storage capacities of the components affect the amount of time to charge, and how long it will keep the LED lit.
This would be great for a science fair project as it affords a lot of experimentation.
I wanted to create a lab that people could use to investigate generating and storing electricity.
There are many ways to experiment and generate data to analyze.
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Augusta, GA, United States of America
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