Sysrox Imu 6Dof icm42688 Accelerometer Gyroscope SPI Nano-Sensor
Designed by Sysrox in France
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Keypoints ✏️SYSROX IMU 6 DOF/6 AXES HIGH-PERFORMANCE including a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope with a sampling frequency of up to 32kHz, perfect for use as an inclinometer... ✏️NEW GENE…
Read More…✏️SYSROX IMU 6 DOF/6 AXES HIGH-PERFORMANCE including a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope with a sampling frequency of up to 32kHz, perfect for use as an inclinometer...
✏️NEW GENERATION SENSOR (ICM42688p) HIGH PRECISION replacing older, less efficient MPU6050-MPU6500-ADXL345. Superior performance in terms of drift, resolution, noise levels...
✏️3-AXIS ACCELEROMETER PROGRAMMABLE VIA SPI with adjustable measurement range: ±2, ±4, ±8, ±16g.
✏️3-AXIS GYROSCOPE PROGRAMMABLE VIA SPI with adjustable measurement range: ±15.6, ±31.2, ±62.5, ±125, ±250, ±500, ±1000, ±2000 °/sec.
✏️COMPREHENSIVE AND CUSTOMIZABLE SOFTWARE for sensor reading and configuration, sensor fusion at 500Hz using extended Kalman filter, real-time Fast Fourier Transform decomposition, data logging and communication (CAN, protobuf, mavlink), Arduino compatible, perfect for ESP32 or Teensy 4.
✏️MINIATURE DEVELOPMENT BOARD 1cm x 1cm with 2.54mm pin spacing for easy prototyping of robotic applications, drones... Clipable prototyping pins allowing for use on a breadboard or non-permanent mounting on a support board.
✏️ONLINE COMPREHENSIVE DOCUMENTATION allowing for easy utilization of the board and extension of the offered functionalities.
⚠️ The offered board only includes the sensors and no microcontroller, which must be added additionally and connected to the board to benefit from the stated functionalities.
The SRX-IMU00-DEV is a high-performance IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) whose size has been minimized to facilitate integration into any robotic system.
Paired with the included C++ library, it allows drift-free attitude measurements over 360°.
It includes:
3-axis accelerometer: ICM42688p 3-axis gyroscope: ICM42688p
The extreme compactness of the board makes it ideal for integration into robotic applications such as drones, rovers, inclinometers...
The board includes the best high-performance consumer-grade sensor in terms of noise, temporal and thermal drift, resolution, sensitivity... It is therefore a significantly more performing alternative to the older MPU6050, MPU6500, MPU9250, ADXL335, ADXL345...
Customizable software for sensor reading and configuration, sensor fusion, real-time Fast Fourier Transform decomposition, data logging and communication (CAN, protobuf, mavlink) is proposed for supported platform (esp32s3, teensy 4). Reduced functionalities are proposed for most platforms boards with Arduino framework compatibility.
The use of clip-on pins allows for easy mounting on a breadboard or semi-permanent mounting on a host board. The pads on the back of the board and its compactness enable integration into any robotic project!
⚠️ The board is designed to work with SPI communication because of its superior performance and reliability. I2C is supported by the sensor but not by the provided software, pull-up resistors are not included.
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