Soft felt bunny that contains an NFC tag for your secret messages, or just for use as a super-cute access tag.
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What is it? NFC stands for Near Field Communication, and is a way to transmit power and data wirelessly over a short-range using tiny coils of wire as antennae. These soft, loveable bunnies contain a…
Read More…NFC stands for Near Field Communication, and is a way to transmit power and data wirelessly over a short-range using tiny coils of wire as antennae.
These soft, loveable bunnies contain an NFC tag (NTAG213) which can be written, read, and re-written hundreds of thousands of times.
Choose a pre-loaded message or website link, or write your own when your bunny arrives.
Sometimes it's good to have a little reminder that someone cares. I used to make these and hand them out to people who looked like they needed a bunny, because I'm not good with words.
I later found that people also liked having a much cuter way of linking people to their website or contact details, because these bunnies are really quite versatile!
The bunny has a machine-washable tag inside it, which means even if you forget the bunny is in your pocket when you pop your jeans in the washer, it will still survive. (Although a boil wash won't damage the data tag, the felt might shrink a bit, so best to stick to 30c, or if you're in the US, probably a cold wash.)
It is easiest to use your phone. To check if your phone has NFC capabilities, just do the following: Go to Settings. Under “Wireless and Networks“, tap on “More“. Here, you will see an option for NFC, if your phone supports it. You may need to enable it. Iphones have limited capabilities. You can also check your phone by searching this list:
Things you may be able to trigger with your bunny:
You'll receive one bunny (choose from the options) and a getting started leaflet.
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