With this kit you will create a fun little robot while learning mechanical assembly, motor control and coding in CircuitPython/Arduino.
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What is it? Robotics and industrial automation are everywhere these days. Robots help build, package, and ship everything from your breakfast cereal to your car. With that in mind, we designed the Sc…
Read More…Robotics and industrial automation are everywhere these days. Robots help build, package, and ship everything from your breakfast cereal to your car. With that in mind, we designed the ScoutMakes Robot kit to help those with an interest in robotics learn the basics. With it, you will create a simple, wheeled robot while developing a familiarity with concepts like mechanical assembly and motor control. This kit also includes a piezoelectric buzzer and NeoPixels that allow your robot to play sounds and glow while it’s moving around.
And, thanks to the included Azul board, you’ll be able to send instructions to your robot, over BLE, from an app on your iOS or Android device. To control it, you can simply tilt your device in the direction of travel.
Open Source Hardware Association certified OSHWA UID US000676
We want to make electronics fun and easy to learn. So, this kit is our way of getting anyone interested in learning electronics.
Each kit comes with all necessary mechanical hardware to ensure that your introduction to DIY microcontroller programming and electrical engineering is both enjoyable and educational. All you will need is a soldering iron, and away you go building the kit!
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Kensington, MD, United States of America
Ships from United States of America.
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