Module for powering devices off USB-C chargers
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Functionality This module allows you to use a USB-C charger as a power source for your next project. Power Delivery enabled USB-C chargers have an ability to provide different voltages when requested…
Read More…This module allows you to use a USB-C charger as a power source for your next project. Power Delivery enabled USB-C chargers have an ability to provide different voltages when requested by the device. This module will request the configured voltage (5V, 9V, 12V, 19V or 20V) and output it on the screw terminal. The module is configured by bridging the right pads on the bottom of the board.
To configure, bridge up to four pads on the bottom of the board (one in each section).
Minimal voltage: 5V, 9V, 12V, 15V, 19V, 20V (no bridge) Maximal voltage: 5V, 9V, 12V, 15V, 19V, 20V (no bridge)
Power draw, sum of: 0mA, 250mA, 500mA, 750mA, 900mA, 1000mA (no bridge) and: 0A, 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A (no bridge)
I tested it up to 40W (20V @ 2A), higher values might cause overheating.
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