The Analog Style LED Clock - Custom parts for those looking to source their own parts
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The Analog Style LED Clock was featured on the cover of the March 2018 issue of Nuts and Volts magazine!!! Check it out! What is it? The Analog Style LED Clock uses 180 LEDs to display the time, much…
Read More…The Analog Style LED Clock was featured on the cover of the March 2018 issue of Nuts and Volts magazine!!! Check it out!
The Analog Style LED Clock uses 180 LEDs to display the time, much like the hands of a traditional analog clock. The clock also features an alarm. An additional LED indicates the alarm status and another LED indicates PM. Four pushbuttons allow you to set the clock and alarm. The clock uses the 50 or 60 Hz from the electric utility to keep accurate time.
The full kit and complete description can be found here.
This item is for those who want to source their own parts. These are the custom parts that may be difficult or expensive to source otherwise.
If you don't have a programmer, you can get a pre-programmed microcontroller here for less than buying the blank microcontroller and programmer.
Even though the Gerber Files are available here, you may find that making the board will be more expensive than buying it here.
The files for printing the frame on a 3D printer can be downloaded at Thingiverse. However, if you don't have a 3D printer, or your 3D printer isn't large enough to print the frame (8.5 x 8.5" or 216 x 216mm), you can buy the frame here. A set of Arabic Numerals and a set of Roman Numerals are included. The Roman numeral set contains both IIII and IV for use as the number 4 — your choice which one to use. Some people like using IIII for better symmetry with VIII on the other side of the clock. Others feel that IV is more proper. A guide to assist in placing the numbers is also included.
Parts are in stock and typically ship within two (2) to five (5) business days.
These parts are RoHS compliant and will solder well with lead-free RoHS solder. Or, if your location does not require RoHS compliance, you can use lead solder if you prefer.
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Alastair | Aug. 24, 2020
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Prescott Valley, AZ, United States of America
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