Upside Down Labs MSP430 Breadstick CheeseDip is a development board for ultra low power MSP430G2553 MCU from Texas Instruments.
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What is it? MSP430G2553 is a low-cost 16-bit ultra-low-power MCU from Texas-Instruments with 24 GPIO, 8 Analog pins (10bit ADC), 2xI2C, UART, SPI, and PWM functionalities. usually, to program the MSP…
Read More…MSP430G2553 is a low-cost 16-bit ultra-low-power MCU from Texas-Instruments with 24 GPIO, 8 Analog pins (10bit ADC), 2xI2C, UART, SPI, and PWM functionalities. usually, to program the MSP430G2553 MCU you'll have to buy MSP430 Launchpad from TI with Flash Emulation Tool (FET) built-in and there is no good Dev-Board available in the market other than the MSP430 Launchpad. Upside Down Labs has created a tool called msptool based on mspdebug using which you can program the MSP430 chip with any generic USB-UART bridge. MSP430 Breadstick development board is an affordable Dev-Board from Upside Down Labs which uses the msptool and allows you to program MSP430G2553 through BSL using generic USB-UART, CH340C is used in the Cheese Dip variant of the board.
I made it an affordable alternative to MSP430 Launchpad from TI. The breadstick has its own programmer and can be used as the basis for very affordable Arduino-like boards.
MSP430 Breadsetick uses msptool for flashing and its programming can be done with Energia, CCS, and Platform IO. It comes with a lot of functionalities like, - 24 Digital Pins - 8 Analog Pins - 2 x I2c - SPI - UART - PWM
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