AttinyArcade is a hackable miniature pocket gaming platform
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What is it? This kit is based around the Microchip Tiny85 (previously Atmel Attiny85) IC and a 128x64px OLED display. The microcontroller comes pre-programmed with UFO Escape game and is Arduino IDE …
Read More…This kit is based around the Microchip Tiny85 (previously Atmel Attiny85) IC and a 128x64px OLED display. The microcontroller comes pre-programmed with UFO Escape game and is Arduino IDE compatible (you will need an Arduino Uno, a breadboard, a 10 uf capacitor and some wires to flash your own Arduino sketches.)
Kit includes:
The AttinyArcade started off on a breadboard. I had the Arduino hooked up to the OLED display and a couple of buttons, this inspired me to write a version of Breakout and make it into a standalone device. More games were added later on and there are now over 10 games that you can download from the developers' repos on Github here.
AttinyArcade is fairly simple to assemble as its made using through-hole components. Enjoy playing UFO Escape or download and play other games, learn from the existing games or write your own!
I have also used the device as a DSLR camera remote by replacing the piezo buzzer with an infrared LED, you can find the sketch on Github.
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