IBM XT Compatible Processor Board based on Faraday FE2010/FE2010A or Proton PT8010AF chipset
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Micro 8088 is an easy to build IBM PC/XT compatible processor board. It is based on Faraday FE2010/FE2010A or Proton PT8010AF chipset, that implements most of IBM PC/XT LSIs (Intel 8xxx ICs) and glue…
Read More…Micro 8088 is an easy to build IBM PC/XT compatible processor board. It is based on Faraday FE2010/FE2010A or Proton PT8010AF chipset, that implements most of IBM PC/XT LSIs (Intel 8xxx ICs) and glue logic. Micro 8088 uses SRAM ICs to implement the system RAM, and a Flash ROM IC to store the BIOS, further reducing the number of components, and simplifying the build process.
Processor: Intel 8088 or compatible, NEC V20
Coprocessor: Intel 8087
Faraday FE2010/FE2010A chipset, implementing the following components:
Clock generation, and glue logic
RAM: 512 KiB or 640 KiB base memory; Up to 192 KiB UMBs. Implemented using SRAM
ROM: 64 KiB. Implemented using 128 KiB Flash ROM
8-bit ISA interface
PS/2 compatible keyboard connector; built in AT2XT converter
This listing includes only the Micro 8088 PCB and one PT8010AF chipset IC. The PCB features a quality hard gold plated card edge connector. All other parts can be purchased from various electronic components distributors, eBay, or perhaps you already have them in your parts bin! Please refer to the Bill of Materials section of the README file for the parts list.
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