A small LoRa Gateway board for RPI Zero using SX1308 and two SX1257
Designed by Will Whang's Electronics in TaiwanThis product is no longer available for sale.
The seller may be offering an improved version or it may be hanging out on the beach, enjoying the retired life.
$239.20 $299.00
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The board doesn't come with pin header pre-soldered RPI Zero not included Last Update: Hi everyone, Since there are more and more GW coming out in the future, I'm now officially retiring this pr…
Read More…The board doesn't come with pin header pre-soldered
RPI Zero not included
Last Update: Hi everyone, Since there are more and more GW coming out in the future, I'm now officially retiring this product. The main reason I started this project is to opensource the Lora gateway so I can customize it to fit my needs, and selling the boards are mainly as a reference for others to design their own GW. As time goes by, I'm happy to see that there are more and more people adopting my design into their own GW, and more company are building their low-cost GW. So I think it is time to stop production.
So this board is almost the same as previous RPI Gateway board, but squeeze into half of the previous sizes, it is using SX1308 and two SX1257s for 8-ch receiver, also comes with GPS module for PPS and position. By using LNA+PA+RF Switch all-in-one chip, the area has dramatically shrinks, but it also induce some limits, First of all, RPI version have to ability to change TX power output, but this all-in-one chip cannnot, since it is control by voltage,to comply with the regulation, I turn down the voltage to 2V which is about +20dBm, there is a LDO specifically for powering the PA, so you can adjust PA_voltage if you want by modified hardware. Second, the LNA isn't going to perform as well as discreet version, which have 2dB noise figure.
For the other part, since this board is pretty small, PCB won't provide enough heat transfer, so I will ship with a copper heat sink to migrate this problem. Also since RPI Zero is so small, it doesn't really a good idea to use 11mm standoff which makes it looks clunky, so I will also ship with a 5mm standoff with low profile header and pin to shrink the thinkiness.
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Edgars | Nov. 16, 2018
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