Extreme wideangle multicamera AI sensor
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KUMA200 is a compact multi sensor smart camera based on the Kendryte K210 dual core RISC-V processor designed for low power artificial intelligence workloads at the edge, such as face detection, obje…
Read More…KUMA200 is a compact multi sensor smart camera based on the Kendryte K210 dual core RISC-V processor designed for low power artificial intelligence workloads at the edge, such as face detection, object recognition, or audio processing.
KUMA200 CPU has a dual-core RISC-V 64bit IMAFDC, 8MB SRAM, Neural Network Processor (0.25~0.5TOPS), Audio Processor, Field Programable IO Array, DVP camera and MCU LCD interface.
The Kuma200 sensor kit includes the processing module, the cameras module, 4x OV2640 camera modules and as option a 2.4” QVGA LCD.
PS: The 3d printed plastic case is only for illustration purposes. CAD files will be provided.
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