Another excellent upgrade for the Atari 800
For Atari 800 RAMROM 2024 Personality Card
I had previously bought one of Brian's 1056k Axlon compatible RAM boards which has allowed me to run my Atari 800 with a massive 1008k ramdisk, all without modifying the computer in any way. However the time it takes to copy even a modest collection of files to a ramdisk of that size at standard SIO speed is painfully slow. With Brian's directions I was able to apply the battery backup mod so the files wouldn't need to be copied across every time the computer was rebooted, which was a vast improvement. Still, when you've experienced high-speed SIO, standard SIO feels like going back to the old days of 300 baud modems! I needed a way to get an OS patched with the high speed SIO modifications, again preferably without having to physically modify the 800.
I sent a quick question to Brian about the RAMROM 2024 board and he confirmed that the high speed SIO was available with the ROMs installed by default on the banked flash ROM in the board. So this was a no-brainer, I placed an order immediately!
After another flawless Trans-Atlantic shipping experience, I had the board in about a week and data was soon zipping about between my Atari 800, FujiNet and the battery-backed Axlon ramdisk.
As my 800 is a PAL model, the installed OS is the OS-A PAL variant, while the flashed ROMs all seem to be based on OS-B NTSC. I briefly swapped the OS ROM chips from my original OS module to give an option of running the original PAL OS, but I don't know what differences there are between the PAL and NTSC ROMs, everything so far appears to work as normal with the NTSC ROM. But I had to return the ICs to the OS Module, so tracking down a spare CX801-P to get the correct PAL A chips is on my list of things to do. Those empty IC sockets are just begging to be populated.
I was able to create my own image containing the PAL A OS revision (along with some others) and flash my own ROM collection. All simple and quick to do with the information in the RAMROM manual and an EPROM burner. Brian has created an 'OS-C' OS that I am currently trying out.
I have not yet tried the Mosaic banked RAM, but the board does enable RAM in the $C000-$CFFF range, giving 52k of accessible RAM.
If you have a stock Atari 800 and want to keep it that way, this is another 'must-have' upgrade, I can't recommend it highly enough.