Unusual product with many uses
For Serial X.27 Stepper Motor Gauge
I bought a couple of these and they are really a fun item to play with.
I used one to "repair" an old steam pressure gauge which was mechanically beyond repair. I didn't need the full 315 degrees as there were mechanical stops which I chose not to remove. I used the original needle with some araldite and nobody will ever know it is electronic now.
Note: you may have to take smaller steps with heavy needles as the needle mass does affect the stepper performance (read the data sheet and look as the code for more information).
Something to watch out for - if you have a mechanical stop and you try to step beyond it, the display will no longer be correct as the stepper motor has no feedback. I thought that entering a position of 0 would execute a zeroing action but it doesn't. I am going to add a re-zero command so that in 24/7 use I can make sure the needle position is correct by issuing a re-zero from time to time. For now, power off and on and the dial will re-zero.