No documentation at all but product looks good
For LIN USB Converter
Bought this for a project but there is no documentation to refer and explanation.
No sure how to figure out the communication with my LIN device and hope to get some guidance for this.
I have a frame ID to send over and wish to get the response form the LIN device, how that could be done?
Response from embeddedProjects | Nov. 26, 2022
Adapter is detected as a serial port (FTDI chip) and converts serial com to LIN. In principle, the data sent over the LIN is the same as the data sent over the serial port.
Set the serial port:
- Baud rate: 20000 (19200 should work too)
- Parity: None
- Data Bits: 8
- Stop Bits: 1
Using the serial port, you send bytes:
- 0x00 - this is LIN break pulse,
- 0x55 - transmission synchronization (based on this signal, the slave should adjust the appropriate baud rate)
- 0x10 - ID + XP
- Depending on the frame type, the Slave responds the message back to the Master or Master keeps sending messages to Slave. Then the CRC is sent after data
transmission (checksum). If data is sent to the Slave then the Master must calculate the CRC and send it to the Slave otherwise the Slave will reject the
incoming data.