High Class Headphones AMP !
For NS-01 Headphone amplifier PCB
Looking for an amplifier to my compter attached headphones - I wonered, why not build one.
Searching yield this project along others. - probably like you. the reader of this review...
Iv'e chosen this one because its uniqe. - read on.
First of -
The amplifier sound quality is super great !
It's super clear and super crisp.
You can hear a song you know for years and hear it different, richer, with much more depth.
Gave it to some friends to try out and they were stunned by the sound quality.
One very important notice: it has a symmetrical power supply with a super low distortion.
this is a must for a good sound quality (aside for that - thats really what an OP-AMP needs to do its job...)
It's the only DIY project I've seen with a decent segments of power supply, amplification stage + buffer stage (!!!) and a good filtering arrangement.
All of this luxury comes in a single board with minimal footprint.
It's clear that there was some real engineering here.
Yes. you can make an amplifier with some parts you've got in the shed with a pref board.
It does'nt go near this one.
Assembly was fairly easy since I'm experienced with soldering.
I would recommend ordering extra parts than the BOM minimum. overheating some components may ruin them or have reduced functionality.
I have used a syringe to distribute the soldering paste (not flux) accurately on the pads and then soldered them with hot air.
You can also use a soldering iron for it.
Great practical project !
Thank you Kai.