Awesome PIC32MM Dev Board
For USB Type-C / PIC32 Development Board (Lite) -BOGOF
This is a great little development board for the lower-cost PIC32MM line of microcontrollers. I have a lot of experience using the PIC32MX, but wanted to test out the PIC32MM line to see what they were like. The board is quite thin, owing to the fact it plugs into the end of a USB-C cable (a very unique & creative design!), so handle it carefully. I used it with my MPLAB Snap and also tested it with my Pickit 3, and both work just fine as expected.
This board is the type of development board I love -- just enough for you to evaluate the chip, small enough to easily be embedded into a project permanently, and inexpensive enough that if you totally fry it, it's not the end of the world. Plus, lophtware is a really cool store and I like to support fellow hackers (especially those that like the PIC32 line!). Definitely worth picking up if you're interested in the PIC32MM chips and want an easy-to-use prototyping platform. Note that you can apparently program the chip through the USB connector, but this seemed to require more effort than just attaching my existing debug probes so I didn't test that functionality. I just use MPLAB X IDE for all my PIC development, and this worked flawlessly.