Feel free to contact seller with questions. I am honest and fair with my customers and will do everything to make this a pleasant transaction for both sides. Please do the same in return.
My store is a place for selling sensors, systems, control boards, and related hardware for water monitoring. I believe that smart IoT devices for water quality monitoring in the urban environment is a growth industry and that the potential applications for this emerging technology has only begun to be explored.
My company name is Freshwater Monitoring LLC and is registered in the USA and the State of Wisconsin. I am an independent business owner, an engineer, a scientist, and clean water advocate. My professsional background includes experience as an instrument maker, a manufacturing engineer, a civil engineer, a facilities project manager, and a chemical technician. I am fortunate to have a business in one of the most water-centric cities in the world; Milwaukee, WI USA.
When I am not working on the store, I design, assemble, and deploy smart IOT devices for freshwater monitoring and facility maintenance. Applications include surface water quality monitoring, stormwater infrastructure monitoring, flood monitoring for private property, and tank water level monitoring. All systems can be connected to communication networks via cellular or wireless protocols for remote data download, analysis, and display.
Packages ship from the store in 1-2 business days. No shipments from the store on weekends. Please verify your shipping locations and desired shipping methods. Shipping outside the continential USA is subject to approval.
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