We hate when Terms of Service aren't human (not a lawyer) readable, so let's change that. Just know these terms can change at any time, and any changes that affect these terms will be announced 2 weeks prior to the change. Tindie is committed to cultivating a community of buyers and sellers who are passionate about making, learning, creating, and sharing. We strive to be a trusted marketplace in which quality products are found, stellar communication is shared, and where excellent experiences are created. Our customer service team will reach out to sellers who have disputes, negative feedback, or other issues and attempt to help them get back on track and meet our standards.

  • We are here to do the right thing. If you aren't happy, please let us know so we can help.
  • This is an open marketplace - anyone can join.
  • It is free to sign-up.
  • Tindie does not own any of the images, data, or information listed by a user.
  • Any information listed on the site may be used by Tindie for driving more traffic to Tindie. You've made some great stuff, we just want to show it off!
  • Tindie cannot vouch for any products listed.
  • Tindie reserves the right to remove inappropriate content from the forums.
  • A buyer pays for the product + calculated shipping costs.
  • Shipping costs vary based upon the information provided by sellers.
  • Shipping rates may be defined, or may be the standard rate multiplied by the shipping rate for the destination.
  • Shipping to PO boxes, freight forwarding companies, or package lockers is prohibited.
  • Tindie does not store your credit card data; we use Stripe to process credit cards and never see sensitive info such as credit card number, etc.
  • Tindie works with Paypal and Stripe to make sure our payment process is secure.
  • Simple returns: If you aren't happy with your order within the first 30 days of your purchase, we will issue you a refund, further protecting you down the road.
  • We will never reveal an individual buyers' information, but if a company places a corporate order we might use the logo for promotional purposes.
  • You own the product you've listed and after it is bought, will ship the product in a timely manner.
  • Products must have a photo of the physical product and a thorough, accurate description. Images that contain any text added after the fact (such as email addresses or website URLs) are not allowed and will be removed.
  • There is no fee for listing products.
  • For each sale, 5% will be deducted from the disbursement as Tindie's fee. The payment processing fee will also be deducted (this fee varies depending on if the buyer pays via credit card or PayPal).
  • New sellers will have their disbursements available 30 days after their first order ships. Afterwards, disbursements are available, via our payout system, after orders have been shipped. If you don't pay out manually, you will be automatically paid for all unpaid, shipped orders, 30 days after the earliest unpaid order was shipped. Tindie reserves the right to disburse funds on your behalf at any time.
  • Disbursements are only made to verified Paypal accounts. We cannot disburse by any other means. Sellers should ensure that their Paypal account is verified before the first disbursement is due to avoid delays.
  • If a product is for sale on Tindie, promotion or links to another marketplace or retail channel are prohibited for products. It is ok to promote retired products that can now be purchased elsewhere.
  • We reserve the right to reject product submissions deemed inappropriate for this marketplace. Tindie is a marketplace for DIY enthusiasts and products sold should reflect the community's interest.
  • Messages between sellers, buyers, and/or Tindie should ideally be answered within 48 hours. Special cases such as a store owner setting their store to “vacation” mode or other instances will be handled on a case-by-case basis. If a buyer opens a support ticket to Tindie with questions regarding stock, product description, technical support, or shipping, Tindie will copy the seller on the email in an attempt to keep open communication as well as acting as a liaison between sellers and buyers.
  • Items marked as in-stock are to be shipped within 2 weeks (14 days) and packed to guard against damages during transit. Double-check the mailing address, ensure the correct item is being shipped, and that a packing slip has been included. If sellers are unable to ship within 14 days, a message needs to be sent to both the buyer and Tindie communicating this.
  • A refund may be issued if:
    • A product has not shipped within the allotted timeframe, without any notifications from the seller.
    • If a product has not been received within a reasonable amount of time (taking into account average transit times from origin to destination, time of year, processing by customs, etc.) and attempts from Tindie and/or the buyer to receive updates have gone unanswered.
    • Item received is vastly different from the product description.
    • Messages to the seller from Tindie or the buyer go completely unanswered.
  • Failure to meet these practices will result in discussions between Tindie and the seller to rectify the situation. If three cases of any of these situations have occurred, actions do not improve, or communication ceases, we reserve the right to take actions including, but not limited to:
    • Setting store stock to zero to protect other buyers while we work with the store owner to improve standards.
    • Issuing refunds to buyers.
    • Closure of the shop.
Last Updated October 23rd, 2015