Bulk Read up to 8 Quadrature Encoders or PWM Signals on your REV Robotics Control Hub!
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Note: these units are made in small batches - if it's showing out of stock, sign up for the waitlist because more will be available within a couple days! Ever needed the ability to read more encoders…
Read More…Note: these units are made in small batches - if it's showing out of stock, sign up for the waitlist because more will be available within a couple days!
Ever needed the ability to read more encoders or read PWM signals on your FIRST Tech Challenge robot? If so, the OctoQuad is for you!
The OctoQuad FTC Edition is LEGAL for the 2024-25 FIRST Tech Challenge season
The OctoQuad is an 8-channel quadrature & pulse width decode module. For quadrature signals, position and velocity can be tracked for all 8 channels simultaneously at up to a 250KHz pulse rate (up to 1 million counts/s). For pulse width signals, pulses up to 65535us are supported. The channel inputs and I2C lines are protected from ESD to +/- 30kV (air).
The OctoQuad is perfect for use cases where you need more than 8 encoders on your FTC robot (swerve drives, linkages, etc.) It also unlocks the never-before-possible option of PWM sensors. For example, you can use the absolute position mode of the REV Robotics Through Bore Encoder to allow digital absolute positioning feedback which eliminates the noise and linearity issues with analog absolute encoders. Or, you could use the PWM-output variants of Maxbotix sonar rangefinders to read multiple sensors simultaneously.
All data from the OctoQuad is bulk-readable in one I2C transaction to minimize impact on loop times. An I2C driver for the FTC control system (which supports bulk reads and increases bus speed to 400KHz) along with FTC sample code is available in v9.2+ of the official FTC SDK.
All logic and power is 3.3v only! The OctoQuad is not 5v tolerant!
The optional case has a mounting pattern compatible with Tetrix, Actobotics, and GoBilda.
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