Open source smart themostat
Sold By Eternal SunshineThis product is no longer available for sale.
The seller may be offering an improved version or it may be hanging out on the beach, enjoying the retired life.
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This model has been retired in favor of the HestiaPi ONE (silent edition). What is it? The HestiaPi is an open source smart thermostat that can be connected to your wifi and controlled with your smar…
Read More…This model has been retired in favor of the HestiaPi ONE (silent edition).
The HestiaPi is an open source smart thermostat that can be connected to your wifi and controlled with your smart phone. It can also operate in a completely standalone mode with its touch screen.
Note: This model clicks when the heat/cooling/fan turns on or off. There is also a silent edition available.
I wanted a thermostat that could be remotely controlled by me, but not by a big corporation like Google. With my background in information security, I also want to have visibility into how the products I use function, and know that they can be trusted. The HestiaPi fits the bill.
It respects your privacy. It doesn't collect your data and send it off to anyone. All information is stored locally on the thermostat itself, and the only one with access to it is you.
It's open source, which has a number of implications. - Transparent: This means you (or a friend) can see how it works so you know it's not doing things that it shouldn't be doing - Tinkerer friendly: You can add onto it if you want, and make it do even more cool stuff! - Supported: There's an entire community that helps support the product
When I say it's open source, I do not just mean that it runs some open source software. The hardware, documentation, and all the software is freely available. You can download it all, get your own printed circuit boards (PCBs) made, order the components, solder them on and have your own, home made HestiaPi.
There is also a completely silent version of the HestiaPi ONE.
Functionally speaking, the only differences are that this one makes a clicking noise when the heating/cooling/fan turns on or off. Some people like being able to hear that so they know that the thermostat did its part, other people don't like the noise.
Internally, there are more differences. It is an entirely different printed circuit board, and has quite a few extra parts to use the traditional relays instead of the solid state ones that the silent edition uses.
This model was developed because the solid state relays stopped being available from any retailer. I was able to find a replacement from another manufacturer which has the same footprint and electrical characteristics, so the silent version lives on. However, availability of the solid state relays is still limited, they're more expensive, and there is only one manufacturer to choose from.
In contrast, the clicky relays are available from multiple manufacturers. The clicky relays are much cheaper, but since they require two dozen more supporting electronics, and are more time consuming to assemble, it comes out to the same cost.
So at the end of the day, it's mainly that some people like to hear the click and some people don't.
This product is a ready to use thermostat, including:
In the annotated image on the internals, the following features can be seen:
There is also a picture showing this same angle with a Raspberry Pi inserted and the temperature sensor connected to give you an idea of what it would look like if you were to just open it up without disassembling everything.
Please check to make sure the unit you're ordering is compatible with your Heating Venting and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system.
The default option is to have an external 5 volt power supply, which will work with any standard 24V US HVAC system.
There is an option to have the HestiaPi powered by HVAC systems that have 5 wires. These are typically labeled R, C, G, W, Y and are Red, Blue, Green, White, and Yellow (respectively). This model uses the power from the HVAC system so it does not need external power. This makes it look much nicer, as there are no visible wires. If your HVAC system can support this, it would be a recommended upgrade from the base model of HestiaPi.
As a general rule, if you are replacing thermostat that runs on batteries, you will likely need the option which uses external power (5V). If you are not sure what is the best option, feel free to send me info about your current thermostat and I'll help guide you.
In addition to choosing how to power your HestiaPi (see Compatibility section above for details on that), there are also the option to get a humidity sensor so you can see the humidity level in the room. This will not affect the operation of your HVAC system. While European systems sometimes have an independently controlled humidity system, US systems typically do not.
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These taxes can be substantial! For example, as of July 15, 2024, Hungary charges 27% for VAT! In some locations, there are not only VAT, but also state/provincial taxes, and sometimes city taxes as well. Every jurisdiction has different rules, and it's up to the buyer to know the tax laws and procedures where they live.
Whether these taxes should exist, is a matter of opinion, but the fact remains that your order will be held by your country's customs department until the taxes are paid. This is something that is entirely beyond my control.
In the US, we don't have any import taxes, just sales tax which is paid at checkout. If you live in a country that imposes taxes (sales, goods & services, VAT, etc.) you will have to pay them before you pick up your package. Tindie does not collect from you and remit them to your country's taxing authorities.
These taxes can be substantial! For example, as of July 15, 2024, Hungary charges 27% for VAT! In some locations, there are not only VAT, but also state/provincial taxes, and sometimes city taxes as well. Every jurisdiction has different rules, and it's up to the buyer to know the tax laws and procedures where they live.
Whether these taxes should exist, is a matter of opinion, but the fact remains that your order will be held by your country's customs department until the taxes are paid. This is something that is entirely beyond my control.
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