Worked first time with one question
For SmartMatrix Minimal Bundle
Up and running with several of the example aps, including FunkyNoise _SmartMatrix_Edition and FunkyNoise Alpha.
Question: Why do I have to hit the Teensy 3.1 reset button after each upload of code? Each time, after hitting the button, the new software seems to work fine.
I wish I had mounted the teensy on a connector as opposed to hard-soldered so I could access the pins on the bottom of the Teensy. Oh well.
Everything I do is battery/wireless and this is no exception. I connected an XBee through pins 0 and 1 conveniently brought out to the interface connector. Very smart bringing extra teensy pins to the connector.
Can connect to panel through a cable or directly (I chose directly).
I was a bit confused over the many FastLed libraries that are out there.
I chose FastLED-FastLED3.1. I removed the existing FastLED from the Arduino libraries and renamed FastLED-FastLED3.1 to FastLED. Works fine. No compile errors at all.
Also I chose to use the SmartMatrix-variablerefresh although I haven't figured out why yet. Simply chose the library with the latest date. New is better. I am old. I should know.
Great forum at SmartMatrix Users Google Community
This will be fun.
Response from Pixelmatix | Dec. 23, 2014
Hi Richard,
Thanks for your review! Here are responses to your questions and comments:
"Why do I have to hit the Teensy 3.1 reset button after each upload of code?" - I answered this on G+ as well, hopefully it's as simple as enabling the "Auto" option in Teensy Loader.
"I was a bit confused over the many FastLed libraries that are out there." - There's an external libraries section in the SmartMatrix Docs. I agree it's confusing to install the right version of FastLED but we tried to make it as easy as possible:
"I chose to use the SmartMatrix-variablerefresh" - That branch of the library won't be maintained, it's a one-off with an example that steps through refresh rates so people can find the refresh rate that looks best when recording video of SmartMatrix. You should use the latest version of SmartMatrix on the Releases page:
I'd like to hear what you're doing with the XBee and SmartMatrix, please post to the G+ Community if you want to share anything. Here's an easier to remember URL :-)