Interesting but not great
For Magic 8-Ball Badge
Since I cannot upload photos I will try to summarize my opinion :
The concept is interesting since I had a manual magic 8 spinner and found this electronic kit and decided to give it a try .
The kit has a major design fault , there is no delay between the spinns and shown results ... because of that it is very hard to have an idea on a result because once shown if you move a little bit the hand everything changes .
It should have had 2-4 seconds delay between the result and the next shake .
Also I do not like the solder joints , the smd leds were soldered without any care they are not aligned with the printed pcb and look very messy.
I am myself an electronic hobbyst and like to do a clean job when making a project .
Cannot tell the same thing about this .
I hope the next version will be improved and taking care more when doing the assembly .