As expected and more
For Teensy 4.1 Pixel Pusher
I originally made my own board based on Brian's work here to control my home automated light display. It worked as expected, but I needed another to support an addition to my project. I spent more time and money building my own than I could have just purchased a couple from I did just that(actually bought 2 and some signal splitters). I used my own parts, but I'm sure it would have saved a lot of hassle to just buy the whole kit. The code is easy to modify (plenty of notes included in supporting code even for an amateur like me) for your preference to control as many or as few pixels as necessary. He also was very responsive and extremely helpful when initially pursuing this project, and continues to answer questions almost immediately. Not to mention the signal splitters. I have over 100' of CAT6 cable going to a few different splitters and a 25' extension from the splitter to the first pixel with absolutely no lag or signal loss. I feel like this set up was simpler than using the big names in the home lighting automation industry.