Awesome product that takes out most of the hard work.
For Null 2 Kit
This kit is easy to assemble and the provided source file works flawless. I don't know how often there will be an update ( raspbian jessie is being phased out). You do need some soldering skills and a half decent soldering iron, the hardest part to solder was the smd resistor and that was because i dropped it and spend 10 minutes trying to find it. I used the 3D printable files found on thingiverse and used the bigger case to be able to put in a bigger battery and sound. Wich is the one drawback to this kit, no sound out of the box. It is however very easy to get the pwm sound working (only on one PWM channel) and tough not great, the sound is good enough for retrogaming. The further the battery is depleted, the more pwm static is present. On my 2000mAh battery i get about 7 hours runtime, your mileage may vary.
Thank you for making a great kit that my kids enjoy very much. I truly love the look and feel of the pcb wich is obviously decent quality. I hope you keep making these and maybe also make a version to punt in a standard GBC case.