Excellent development solution for a somewhat neglected MCU
For Lakduino Dwee 1284 Mini Pro - ATmega 1284P
The Atmega1284 hasn't had the notice that the 328 or 2560 have. The Lakduino Dwee is indeed a "Pro" grade development board. It's design provides full and logical access to all the capability of 1284. Like the Arduino Pro Mini, the Dwee sports on-board USB-TTL functionality. The build quality is good and there were no surprises on first power-up. There are other 1284 boards but they are either DIY (not necessarily a bad thing) or try to mimic other ATmega boards. The size of the MCU chip means that this a wider board with 0.9" pins spacing. Finally, the PCB labeling appearance make it a unique board.
Response from Aptinex (Pvt) Ltd | Oct. 28, 2019
Thank You Donald, Really appreciate your review on this..