Beautiful board, however.....
For SAM15x15 Arduino Zero compatible SAMD21 board
Albert did a _really_ nice job designing the SAM 15 X 15 board, but it gets messy from there. The documentation is all over the place on his website. It's not obvious which libraries one needs to get the board up and running. He has one large zip file that has all the "needed" libraries in it but many of libraries are by other vendors, and doing a straight copy overwrites what my be important without knowing it until later on. It would be nice if he spent the time to put all the examples strewn around his website into an example folder. Doubly nice if he spent the time put all his libraries in order per Arduino spec. There's a reason I love Paul's work on the Teensy, but truth be told if Albert can get the doc/libraries for the SAM 15 X 15 in order it's hard to beat for the size.