Nice solution
For Naked Mega 4 - Arduino Mega 2560 compatible
Just what a breadboard junkie needs when a standard Arduino does not have enough ports or enough memory. I needed the extra SRAM, as well as Program space at the time when I bought it. Shoving a standard Arduino Mega into my project would have resulted in requiring a larger enclosure, plus the issues of how to make all the connections. This mounts nicely on a perfboard using headers. It looks well made and there is plenty of documentation available. I have not used it much as my current project is somehow still fitting in the memory limits. I have not finished writing all the code, so I might yet have to change platforms. One thing I wish that the board has was a built in reset button, but I can see that there is no room for it on the board. No problem, wire one on the perfboard.
Response from Fuzzy Noodle | Aug. 24, 2018
Thank you for your support Robert, and we'll the issue of adding a reset button on the board, when we used this board we generally upload the programs we’ve developed and just let it run by itself forever, so wasn’t sure if a reset button was needed.