Got this as a complete set, very happy.
For Raspberry Pi Zero IoT Geiger Counter
I got the fully assembled and pre-configured "kit" for a little "science project", just configured/added the Zero's WIFI setup to the boot partition and started the "Geiger" server up -- worked right away. Easy to use great looking web front end! Love it! -- Beside a minor issue / question to be figured out -- see below.
Regarding the "buzz", at startup I noticed it barely (new version better ???) -- later pretty much silence. I also 3D printed the recommended case for HV protection very advisable I'd say ;)
What I did, may be helpful for Pi Zero Newbies ;)
created this file in boot:
with the WifI configuration -- no monitor needed to be hooked up at all!
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
Then I can ssh as pi into the tiny box via "ssh pi@raspberrypi.home" from a linux machine for example with the default raspberry password.
And then I also added a script and a cron tab entry to make the server autostart at boot time without further interactions.
cat ~/
cd /home/pi/pi-zero-geiger-counter/pi-software
./ &
then as pi user call "crontab -e"
and add at then end of the file:
@reboot /home/pi/
To verify the pyGIserver running after a restart -- or just open a web browser and see if it's up http://raspberrypi.home:8080.
pi@raspberrypi:/boot $ps aux | grep GI
pi 906 2.7 5.2 103384 23456 pts/0 Sl 02:21 1:21 python ./
PS: May be some one has an idea, I had troubles with some USB battery packs I wanted to use operating it from, while it works fine on my computer's USB ports and phone charger providing USB power. The Pi0 started always up just fine. But I eventually got I2C IO Errors when attempting to start the when on on a USB batterypack??? Any ideas, fully charged packs, even a quite large ones -- no luck :( Any clue?
Here is the scenario I found with all my battery packs:
2019-12-21 01:36:02,807 INFO pyGI.geigercounter: Starting geigercounter
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 25, in <module>
geiger = geigercounter.Geigercounter(total=last_total, total_dtc=last_total_dtc)
File "/home/pi/pi-zero-geiger-counter/pi-software/pyGI/", line 58, in __init__
File "/home/pi/pi-zero-geiger-counter/pi-software/pyGI/", line 65, in reset
bus.write_byte(i2c_addr, 0x00)
IOError: [Errno 121] Remote I/O error