close but but no cigar
For AllPixelMini Universal LED Controller
The product has no printed documentation, which is unsatisfactory. The online documentation is disjointed & terse.
The supporting software, PixelWeb & Bibliopixel, is installed in a non standard way. It should be a dmg/pkg on Mac OSX. Should be a .deb under Debian. Using 'pip' is no good enough.
The supporting software, Bibliopixel & Pixelweb, have no printed documentation. No paper users manual. YouTube videos are not good enough. Really. Need paper user manuals.
There is no contact email addresses. You are left communicating with them on the forums.
The Allpixel is a lot of hype with no substance. I purchased 4 of them & probably won't find a use for them. They will stay in their drawer in my electronic kit cabinet.
Will stick with Arduino boards and the Arduino IDE.