Great ESP32 board
For ESP32 WROOM32E 16MB USB-C D1-Mini32 board
It is a good little board in the popular D1 Mini format. The antenna of the ESP32 module has a cut out below it, so there is no pcb hindering the reception of the Wifi like on many cheaper boards.
Another big plus is that Serg has the schematics and additional Information open source on his Github. So starting development with it is really easy.
I use it for Wled in combination with a I2S mic and the universial Wled board of the same shop.
For normal operation 16MB seems way too much, but when using usermods and debug versions, it can come in handy to have a big more headroom.
The communication with the Shop went without any issues, since they also are around on the WLED Discord.
Same with Serg, the creator of the design.
So all in all i can just recommend that board if you are sick of cheap unreliable boards and look for something worth the money.