Does what its expected with a good pricepoint. No "docs"
For IndyShield - Arduino UNO Shield for GRBL
To start "IT WORKS". Thats the main selling point. As most reviewers have stated its "useful" to connect to external motor drivers for "bigger" cnc machines with still an 8bit controller like the arduino.
Maybe the only downside are shipping, comes in a simple bubble letter, and documentation.
Its supposed to route"common" grbl arduino uno pins to the different pinouts but when you receive it, you may miss some labels for example drivers... they have the grnd, dir, en, step/pul labels but it doesn't have a label to know which mottor is which... You have to look at the traces (which are black as the rest of the pcb to see for example that the pul pin next to the Z endswitch are connected to the pin 7 on the arduino that means Z axis but can't follow pin 5 or pin 6 traces clearly so the middle pull pin is X or Y? in my opinion a label would help so you dont have to go swapping motor connections.
Something similar goes to 5v and ground pins? are they simply parallel conected and therefore all to the ground and 5v pin in the arduino?
Maybe i did miss it but some pcb schematics would help a lot.
Even so i would recomend it if your building your first small/medium cnc with external open loop motor drivers like the tb6600.
I'm still building my "cnc" control box so I may find more things to improve for a future version.