Convenient breakout design, loads of features
For STUSB4500 Compact Breakout
Being a product from ST, there is a lot of support documentation and example software for working with the USB PD controller IC.
This breakout includes the expected I2C lines, but also exposes signals (ALRT, ATCH, AB, PD2, PD3, and a configurable GPIO) that offer a lot of functionality without needing to use the I2C interface (once configured). If using an external MCU, however, most of these pins are unnecessary.
I'm personally using an external STM32G0431 to interact with the device, which gives you an unrestricted number of PD contracts -- unlike the 3 PDOs limited by NVM in standalone mode. When changing PDOs dynamically, the IC ensures VBUS never drops below +5V, which is great if your MCU is powered from VBUS :)
Great device, very flexible and reliable, will buy again!
Response from oxplot | Dec. 4, 2019
Thanks a lot Andrew for this and your earlier feedback.