This seller and product are awesome.
For RGBtoHDMI MDA CGA EGA to HDMI Adapter Complete
You not only get the RGBtoHDMI converter board, but the package includes the Pi and a nice little 3D printed case to house it. It's already assembled and includes a mini HDMI to regular HDMI adapter plug and 2A 5V power supply. It's the complete package. I highly recommend this seller and product. I am 100% satisfied. The newer firmware has many more profile selections as well as much nicer fonts. I copied the micro SD card to another RGBtoHDMI converter I bought a while back and I get the same profiles and fonts as the new on - awesome. When I first purchased an RGBtoHDMI a while ago, I only purchased the assembled board with the SD card. I had to provide my own Pi, power supply and mini to regular HDMI cable. This package is a much better deal since the increased price for this package is less than the cost of the stuff I had to provide to make the previous purchase complete.