It's so lean and clean, it looks like a hacker wrote it!
For Flipper Zero ESP-01s Module
This is, in my opinion, the definitive formfactor for GPIO Addons for the flipper zero, at the very least for espressif modules. It's so much lower profile than the "Yondu fin" design of the official wifi devkit. I don't worry as much about walking underneath telephone lines and low airplanes when I'm on a warwalk.
Perhaps what I appreciate most about this product, however, is the documentation in the source code. Not only did Speex make it available to you at no cost, his Readme taught me a trick with the flipper I hadn't considered yet: installing software to the espressif module using the GPIO <-> UART bridge app. It's so simple, the files are IN the computer. Or, the dolphin, whatever.
So this module is a perfect 5/7, will def. be buying from this seller again. Would love if the seller considered expanding to additional modules, say... replacing the ESP01s with a female header. Yes, I know I can do this myself by fabbing my own boards, or just removing the esp01s from the module I have. I know that, I'm just saying. I'm *really* lazy sometimes.
Anyhow, I look forward to seeing future products from this seller; the esp01s module Speex well of them! ^_^
I'll see myself out.