Works great in the Colecovision Adam (NTSC)
For PICO9918
I purchased two of the PICO9918 units. One was to put in my NTSC Colecovision Adam and the other as a spare for future use. Shipping was good on the seller's part, but terrible on my side. My local post office sent it to a different city that was about 30 miles away, they couldn't deliver it so it went back to the postal transfer station which is 50 miles away in the opposite direction where it sat for days, then finally 4 days later they figured out how to properly deliver it. The address on the package was correct, so the post office messed it up.
When I got it in my hands, I opened up my Adam and de-soldered U9 which is the video chip, but had a little trouble getting it to come out since it was tack glued to the board in two places under the chip. I then soldered in a machine pin socket without any problems. Then I inserted the PICO9918, hooked up my VGA monitor and powered it all on.
All I can say is the picture is amazing. It is beyond my expectations.