Wonderful Board, wonderful CPU
For W65C816SXB
I like 6502 since I was a child.
First I had a PET to make my first steps in coding.
Later a C64 as all Nerds in my age.
This 65816 is a wonderful CPU!
I never came in touch with it.
Surely as user while playing SNES games.
But I was not aware of the Hardware inside the SNES …
I found this book about 65816 programming and I knew it would be a nice activity.
Searching for a board with 65816 CPU I found this WDC W65C816SXB.
It is Retro, but not too Retro with ist USB connector, big RAM and FLASH.
A nice OS, serial Connection to my PC, - it is perfect for me.
WDC offers a toolchain including Assembler and C Compiler.
Many years ago I was dreaming about such a good development environment!!
It is very funny to code for this 65816 and making small accessories for ist IO ports.
Surely, a modern STM32 or a AVR controller does same, but for me it is a good feeling of my youth.
I'am happy with this board!