bad product with numerous bugs
For W65C816SXB
- lack of documentation on the software
- the development system is awful
- many 404 pages on the web page
- defect on the reset button
- bug in emulation mode (does not wrap)
- w65c51 unusable (bugged)
the following sequence:
STA $80
STA $81
LDY #$02
LDA ($80),Y
will read at address: 01:0001 instead of 00:0001
I tried to find a fix on a board I designed...
my board load the page latch only if E = 0
and load $00 if E = 1
apparently it fix the problem but I'm not sure if there is not
side effects with my fix...
no information coming from Western Design Center about this bug
very limited information about the w65c51 bugs