Fantastic - easy to build and great fun
For T. Chordstrum
This kit includes all the hardware needed to mount a Teensy 3.2 onto the board and play music with no MIDI input synthesizer needed to get it working.
An easy build, just switches a capacitor and sockets.
I had not used the Teensy 3.2 before this project. The extension for the Teensy in the Arduino IDE is easy to install - quite painless! Due to my inexperience with Teensy, Johan provided invaluable help, after which his code was successfully compiled and downloaded into the Teensy 3.2.
However, Johan provides the Hex code which can be directly downloaded with the Teensy downloader.
This is a great project, it works very well and the options available are great fun.
To test the T.Chordstrum I used my HiFi iPOD input. I will be making a small battery powered amplifier with a speaker to make my T.Chordstrum portable.
I have not yet tried the MIDI output as I do not have a synthesizer on my PC. T.Chordstrum has 2 instruments available and a number of rhythm sounds which are enough to start with.
As Johan says it is like the Suzuki Omnichord.
I am sure that when my family sees and hears the T.Chordstum they will all want one :-)