Very good kit.
For OPL2 Audio Board
I have been using this with an arduino to experiment with connecting an opl2 to my midi keyboard, and at least the opl2 part of it is working perfectly like I hoped for. With small tweaks to the arduino examples in the github I can easily change between the included midi instruments. I feel like the 20 usd price is almost too low for this kit and would recommend this for anyone wanting to play with an opl2. The only thing I would improve would be some of the markings on the pcb, mainly the electrolytic capacitors negative terminals could have been marked with a clearer black bar instead of the - sign but all of this is very well documented , this was just the only thing i had to look up from the build guide. Also I put an 24 pin socket under the YM3812 which was not included since it is not necessary.