works like a charm
Bought this together with the oleduino clock. Obviously this is more a toy than a tool, but VERY cool nonetheless.
Some minor things: you can move forward between screens, but not backwards. You also cannot erase your saved waypoint, only overwrite with another. Nearly impossible to build into a case as the controls would be inaccessible. Even so, this is really nitpicking, because I absolutely love it.
Display is very clear, lots of info is displayed, GPS clock, position, saved position, direction, distance travelled both overall and per trip, speed, nr of GPS satellites received etc. Amazing for this tiny size.
The craftsmanship is extremely good. I can only imagine doing this tiny soldering work!
Quick service also from the seller. All questions I had by email were answered almost instantly.
Highly recommended.
Response from Phoenix CNC, OLEDiUNO | Aug. 28, 2017
Thank you very much for your detailed review.
Of course there is always room for improvement or add ones. Hopefully with my new product, OLEDiTREK, I will be able to add some features to it, among the many and various features of the OLEDiTREK bring by itself.